Cutie Pie with a rough hair day
Two peas in a pod
Playing with bubbles
Taylor looks like an angel all lit up.
Enjoying Taylor's pretend dinner party.
Sisters forever
Camryn is now 17 months old and I don't think she has stopped talking since she learned how. I think she has an amazing vocabulary for her age and I just wanted to post a couple of things she says so I don't forget. Some are very clear and some are only recognizable by mommy. But she has thrown out a sentence or two, in front of witnesses, that just blew my mind.
"Shish"- fish
"Dump"- jump
Her favorites right now are.... "No Way!" and "Stop it!". She tends to yell those out at the top of her lungs. She also yells, "TAY TAY!!" pretty much every 5 min or so. She also said, "I want to play." one time at around 15months when the other kids were going to the play area and I was strapping her in the highchair. Tara is my witness on that one. Her favorite foods are "nanna's, shish, and monkey (yogurt)". Don't ask me how I figured that last one out. She is getting better with the actual word, yogurt. She can pretty much say any word you tell her to which is quite amusing to big sis. She loves to get Camryn to say "I poop.". Now if anyone makes a noise that sounds anything like a toot she says, "Uh oh, I poop.". It is kind of funny. My favorite thing right now is when she sings. She sings Rock a by baby, Twinkle Twinkle, Head shoulders knees and toes, and her ABC's. It is super cute. Right now I am listening to Camryn say, "Daddy" over and over again while he is trying to work on something. I'm sensing a little annoyance in his voice so I'm going to rescue him now.
Cam and my girls would get a long well, they sound a lot alike! I am baffled by their vocabularies as well, the boys weren't there until they were over 2! Tay and Cam are both getting so big. Sam says the bubble picture is "really cool!"
So so sweet! Love all the pictures. Camryn is going to be such a fun-loving girl! And Taylor looks like she's such an awesome big sister. Love you! Cindy
That baby is brilliant!!! And pretty darn cute too!
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