I think a lot about being a mother of two. I think of it being a lot of work. It's hard sometimes but the good always outweigh the bad. I love my girls. Every time I turn around, they make me laugh. I was so nervous before I had Camryn. I didn't think that I would be able to be a good mom to two kids. I was scared that Taylor would try to smother Camryn with a pillow in the middle of the night or something crazy like that. Never did I imagine them absolutely adoring each other but that is exactly what has happened. When I see them playing together, I think of me and my sister. I think of all the fun things we did together and how close we've stayed over the years even though we are hundreds of miles away. I'll always remember those nights when we used to play around and giggle late at night. Dad would come in and tell us to keep it down. "I don't want to hear one more peep out of you." Of course, Cindy and I would boldly yet quietly say "Peep Peep". Thinking back and knowing what I do now, it had to have brought a little smile to his face. These things put a smile on mine....
Taylor dresses up and holds a dance recital every day in our living room. She dances the best she can and is very proud to shake her booty. The poor kid has no idea she came from a family of no coordination and even less rhythm.
I'll be cleaning up around the house and all of the sudden get a very nervous feeling in my gut. You know the feeling-when the kids are quiet but it's not nap time. I went to check on them the other day and just knew it wasn't going to be good. I turn the corner to see Camryn laying on her side propped up on a pillow and Taylor is behind her giving her a back scratch. How sweet. I don't know why I'm always expecting the worst.
Of course there was the time when Taylor walked out of her room looking as white as a ghost. What have you been doing? I asked. Nothin she says. I opened the bedroom door and there was baby powder everywhere. Not just the floors and the bed. She opened up drawers too.
Camryn has this thing she does when she doesn't like what I'm feeding her. She closes her lips tight and shakes her head violently. Usually the food goes flying off the spoon but mommy is persistant so I try again. She opens up her mouth and while I'm thinking about how successful I am and how wonderful my baby is, she spits everything out. I get food in my eyes, hair, on my shirt, my legs, pretty much everywhere. I look up to fuss at her and she flashes her dimples. What's a mom to do.
One day when Taylor was around 2 years old, I had to run out to the car to get something. It was raining outside and she didn't want me to go but I did anyway. I came back in with water dripping off my head and Taylor looked very upset. She said, "No no God. No cry on momma's head.". Cute Cute!
Camryn is a bit of a drama queen. She is quite different from Taylor. Taylor could just sit around all day and be content but not Camryn. She can't stand to have a messy diaper. She'll be sitting in her highchair so quietly when out of no where she screams at the top of her lungs. The first couple of times she did this, I thought she was hurt. She was so upset and the crying got worse and worse. Finally, I smelled something. I pick her up and she won't even let her legs down. She stays in the sitting position until her diaper is off so her little cheeks won't squish the lovely present she has left me. Stinker!
My two girls absolutely adore each other. They love to get into a laughing match. I don't know if they are seeing who can last the longest or who can be the loudest but it makes everyone around them laugh too. They are such hams!
I walked into the playroom the other day and it was a disaster. I called Taylor in there and said "Look at this mess." She quickly replied "The dog did it." Nice try Taylor. We don't even HAVE a dog.
Whenever I'm a little late nursing Camryn she gets quite fussy. As we get closer to where I usually feed her, she gets this split personality. She cries, then laughs, then cries, then laughs. It's the funniest thing. She's upset it's taking so long but she knows there is a prize at the end. Wouldn't it be funny if our husbands were like that? Now that I think of it...
Anyway, I just thought I'd share a few of the many things that my girls do to put a smile on my face. Whenever you have a bad day and the kids are going crazy, just remember all the things they do to make you smile. I bet the good days outweigh the bad for you too.