Monday, July 21, 2008

Camryn's Progress

Camryn is now 9 months.. I think. Julie, how old is Ella? Ella and Camryn had a race to see who could get out of mommy's belly first. Unfortunately for me, Ella won. Camryn waited another 3 days. She is stubborn just like her daddy. Ella is now running marathons while Camryn sits on her little rump with little desire to move anywhere. She is however progressing in other areas. She says da da, ma ma, and all done. She even said tiger once. She knows the sounds of a dog and a tiger(it's very funny-sounds evil). She also knows the signs for eat, more, all done and bye bye. They are not perfect but I'm her mommy and I understand her perfectly. I'm finding out that she a much more picky eater than Taylor ever was but I should have expected that. They are quite different. Okay, she's screaming. Another poop between the cheeks I presume.

1 comment:

eastandwest said...

Wow! You are quite the little blogger this week. What's gotten into you? I'm going to start checking daily again and you probably won't update until December. :(

Why would Camryn be motivated to move? It sounds like she's bossing you all around just fine! Funny girl!