Crazy face
Cute pic sitting on top of the seat in Moe's. I know
they just love us coming there.
Taylor putting on make up from her new (very big)
make up kit. Thank you Aunt Judy!
Reading the Christmas story.
Big Cheese!
Opening presents was not her strong suit.
Taylor was so thankful for all her gifts.
Camryn in her hot rod.
Taylor's new bike.
Well, so much has gone on since I posted last. I don't really know where to start. I guess the most exciting week was when Cindy, Billy and Libby came to town for a week. I love it when they are here. Taylor has someone to play with, I have someone to talk to, and Jason has someone to fish with. Poor Camryn just sits around telling people what to do. She's our bossy one. For example, a couple of weeks ago she had finished nursing (I've weaned her now) but I wasn't paying attention so she bit me. My immediate response was a loud "NO!" It hurt! Her lip puffed out and began to quiver. Big tears began to fill her sweet eyes. She sat up, crawled over to Jason and laid her head on his chest. Feeling just awful about this, I tried to get her to love me again and said "Camryn, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please forgive me, blah blah blah." She kept her head on Jason's chest, still looking away from me, lifts her finger and points to the door. Taylor laughed histarically and said, "Momma, she just told you to get out!" Yes, she did. My 14 month old told me to leave her sight. BOSSY!
Jason and Billy went fly fishing in Georgia over their vacation. Billy must really love fishing to drive to Charleston for 22 hours, a couple of days later drive 5 hours to Georgia, drive 5 hours back and 24 hours later start that 22 hour trek. I think he might have a slight obsession with fishing but that's not what I want to focus on. Jason caught a ton of fish. He had the time of his life and I'm sure he will never forget it. Thank you Billy for making one of Jason's dreams come true. You're his hero!!! Okay, he'll probably make me erase that but he is very grateful.
While the Foote family was here, we celebrated Christmas with my dad's side of the family and had a wonderful time. Camryn didn't really know what to do with all the craziness but Taylor did. She tore open presents like the Tazmanian devil. I don't think I saw her open half the stuff. It's so much fun watching her get excited at Christmas time. It reminds me of when I still believed in Santa. I would look up in the sky on Christmas Eve and see the red blinking light on top of the tower and think it was Rudolph. Those were the days, but I wouldn't trade them for what I have now. I not only get to play Santa with Jason, but I get to share the true meaning of Christmas with my girls. I think it's going to take a little more time to really sink in but Taylor does now understand that we are celebrating Jesus' b-day and is beginning to understand why He came in the first place. It's so neat watching her little brain work and hearing her explain it all to me. It amazes me that little children can understand and accept what Jesus did for us on the cross, that God made the world and everything in it, but intelligent scientist can't. Speaking of believing, I was able to see my Aunt Jenny who got saved several years ago. She is such an inspiration. Everytime I see her she has a smile on her face and is so excited about Jesus and what he's done in her life. Well I am too! Her daughter Arlyn and her sister Barbara are also fairly new believers and it's wonderful to see the change God has made in their lives. Jenny had some very encouraging words for us and it was really good to hear them. Sometimes you just need that. Now we have one more Aunt on my moms side that needs the Lord and I ask that you pray along with us that the Lord will reveal Himself to her in every way and show her what an awesome change can happen in her life if she would believe in Him and live her life serving Him. We are praying for you Aunt Marion!!! We love all of you!!
Okay, back to Christmas. We did make it to the Festival of Lights and had a blast. The Foote family and my brother Kelly and his pregnant wife came with us. The kids ooooed and awwwed over all the beautiful lights. Camryn kept saying, "COOOL!" It was too cute. Of course we couldn't leave without a ride on the carousel so off they went x's 2. It still wasn't enough for Taylor. She could ride horses all day. Fake or real. We ran into some friends of Kelly's who graciously gave us a big bag of marshmellows, chocolates, and graham crackers. It was an unexpected surprise. We all stood around the fire stuffing our faces with more sweets..smore sweets:)
I was sad to see the Foote's leave but I knew they wanted to spend Christmas at their house for the first time this year. I don't blame them at all for that but I miss them terribly. The girls did spend the night at our house while the boys went fishing so it was like a grown up sleep over. FUN FUN! I haven't shared a room with my sister in like 14 yrs or something.
My girls had a great Christmas. I think they got everything they wanted and more. Santa brought Taylor a big doll house and she didn't even acknowledge it for the longest time. Now she plays with it all the time and it's really cute listening to her pretend to be a mom. Taylor also got a bike, a cupcake maker and about a million other things. Camryn racked up too. I think her favorite toys are the ones Taylor got but that's just fine with me.
Both girls got toy overload with all the presents from the grandparents. The one she loves the most is her big wheel. Do you remember having one of those? I do. I remember when I had my heart surgery they had one in the play room. I would ride it up and down the halls as fast as I could. Every time I passed the nurses station, a nurse would jump out and give me hugs and kisses. I ate it up! Taylor rides the big wheel all over the house. I don't think she even walks anymore. Camryn got a sweet ride too. It's decked out with music, noisy buttons and a mirror. She looks like such a big girl in that car.
I mentioned earlier that I am no longer nursing. My last day was on Christmas. It was and is still a bit emotional for me. Camryn is adjusting well, as long as I don't take her into my room first thing in the morning. I learned that very quickly. She cried, screamed, hit me and would not drink anything. Now my mornings start even earlier. I have to pick her up and take her straight to the table for breakfast. If I do anything different, she pitches a fit. That's just my little Cammie.
I would like to brag on myself for a second. I have been working out for about 15 min every night for almost a month. This may not sound like much but it's a big deal for me. I'm actually enjoying it and Jason even bought me the adjustable weights I had been wanting. He made sure to tell me that this would not have been his choice for my gift and that he doesn't think I need them at all. He just got them because I wanted them. He's so funny. He's such a man covering all his bases.
Taylor will turn 5 in 2 days. I won't even go there. Another Christmas, weaning and now my oldest turns 5...that's just too much for me to talk about right now. We are celebrating her bday on Saturday and hope to have pics soon. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
This blog is dedicated to Shannon for reminding me that I don't update my blog as much as Tara:)
You dedicated the blog to me! You're so sweet :) and it was a very good blog I might add. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas.
Finally! But I don't think I would take any ribbing from Shannon, who created a blog but never put anything on it! It's not like she's busy with four boys or anything.
I love that bossy girl! And your soon to be five year old! I also love that she's riding her Christmas bike in shorts and a tee shirt!
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