My beautiful family
Like two peas in a pod
Hurry up already!
Littlest Pet Shop
My so very sweet 5 yr old.
Me and my big girl
Camryn is cheering on big sis!
Pancake birthday cake
Love the excitement.
Daddy and Taylor bowling
Daddy taking Taylor's place in the back seat
Mommy taking Camryn's place
Camryn is very excited about Taylor....
taking over at the wheel. YIKES!
My very first newborn baby.
Miss Dimples
Love the pigtails
Getting bigger...
and bigger..
We celebrated Taylors birthday last week for about 3 days. Day 1-we took her bowling. She had only been bowling once before and I knew she would love it so we surprised her. When we got there she was so excited and she did great! Mimi and Poppa were able to join us and we all took turns helping her roll the ball. By the end, she was throwing it herself and doing quite well. Day 2-It was her actual birth day so I knew I needed to do something special for her. I asked her what she wanted for her b-day breakfast. She said, "I want a big pancake, orange slices and a candle.". So, of course, I made her b-day wish come true. She loved it! Day 3- Birthday Party! She chose Littlest Pet Shop for the theme. We have LPS overload at our house. Anyway, the party was in our church gym. They made LPS houses/garages out of shoe boxes and jumped in the jump castle. She had a ton of friends and family there to celebrate the big day. She got about a million presents because she didn't get enough for Christmas. I made cupcakes with little paw prints on them and I have to admit they were pretty delicious. When everyone sang happy birthday, Taylor looked like she was about to cry. She has never liked a lot of attention. She was so embarassed. That's just her personality and I love it. Taylor is such a sweet girl. She was the easiest baby in the world and she continues to be a very easy child to raise. It makes my life a lot less stressful than it could be.
On Jan 2, 2004 I delivered my very first child. I remember thinking labor was pretty easy. It started around 6am and I stayed home most of the day. I had to see the Dr. at 2:30 and I was 3cm. By the time I got into my hospital room around 3;30 I was 4cm and I delivered her at 7:09pm. She was 7lbs 13oz, 20 1/2 inches long, and beautiful!!!! As soon as they laid her on my chest I remember thinking, "I could do this again and again.". Thankfully, I gave myself a little break. Her sister is quite a different story but that's for another day. The nurses told me that Taylor won the best baby award both nights she was there. She was quiet as a mouse. She took forever to nurse but overall that went well.
She started sleeping through the night at 12wks, had an amazing vocabulary by 1, and took her first steps the day before her first birthday. Year 2 she started using the big girl potty and moved into a big girl bed.
By year 3 she ws completely obsessed with horses so I through her a party with a real pony. It was the best party so far! At 3 1/2 she became a big sister. I was so nervous about this. I didn't know how she would do. I felt horrible for taking so much attention and time away from her but there was never a reason to worry. She is the best big sister ever! She adjusted better than I ever imagined. She loves Camryn more than life itself. They are going to be so fun to watch over the years. BFF's, I'm sure!
Year 4 was so much easier for me. She has been so independant. She is writing words and starting to read...a little. She has a much better understanding of God and Jesus and I love taking every opportunity I can to teach her more. She looks after her sister and goes to extreme lengths to protect her. This is also the last year for thumbsucking. I told her that 5 yr olds don't suck their thumbs anymore so she quit. Just like that! Well, with a little help from some hot stuff I painted on her thumbnail. It worked!
Now my little girl is 5. Wow! I'm having to think about school for the fall. I'm having to think about not having her around during the day. I'm having to think about the influences of the secular world. I'm having to think about her growing up and it scares me to death! Of course it makes me sad and excited too. You know, all the emotions of a mother. As I'm wiping away tears, I have to say that I love being a mom. My girls make me so proud, happy, and loved. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I know the coming years will bring so much laughter and so many smiles with two girls in the house. Lots of funny sayings and hilarious stories to share. I can't wait!
Speaking of stories to share...I have 2 from this past week. I think 5 has brought a whole new light to Taylor's eyes. She thinks she has more authority or something. I came home the other day and was exhausted. I laid Camryn down for a nap, put a movie on for Taylor and put myself down for a nap. Next thing I know, Camryn is talking and laughing. She doesn't do this at nap time unless she has company. I was too tired to fuss so I let it go. BAM!!! I hear someone fall and go running into the room. I see Taylor smiling and Camryn crawling across the floor. Taylor had used Camryn's diaper bag as a step stool and pulled Camryn out " her shoulders.". Thank the Lord they both fell on the diaper bag. Somebody would have had a few less teeth or broken bones if they hadn't. I nipped that in the bud real quick:)
Taylor got a new dvd and it has a brief cartoon that shows Jesus hanging on the cross. So...I heard Taylor yelling something at Camryn a couple of days ago and I went to investigate. Taylor was pointing at Camryn and yelling, "Crucify him, crucify him!". My first reaction was probably the same as yours. I stopped her and asked if she knew what that meant. She said no so I explained it in kid terms. She teared up and looked at Camryn and said, "Camryn, I'm sorry. I was just kidding. I'm not going to crucify you." Oh my, what's next?
1 comment:
If Libby weren't sleeping next to me right now I'd be laughing out loud!! AND crying! Your post makes me feel a whole mix of emotions! I can't believe she's 5! What!?!
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