Sisters and Best Friends
Some attitude for the camera
After she lost her first tooth
Alright, let's see what I've missed. Not much, just Camryn's 2nd birthday, halloween, my sisters family visiting, Thanksgiving, first and second lost tooth, Christmas, New Year's and Taylor's 6th birthday. This should be easy to catch up on. HA! Life has gotten so much more busy this year. And I'm pretty sure it just keeps getting worse. Worse in a good way of course. Taylor is doing Upwards Cheerleading this year. I can't wait to start posting pictures and videos of her cheering! I strongly encouraged her to do basketball because i know she would be so good at it but being the girly girl she is...cheerleading it was. I still cannot believe I have two of the girliest girls ever. I started this whole mother thing thinking I would have all boys. Now poor Jason is just hoping and praying for one. No, I'm not pregnant. Nor am I trying, just to clear that up. Well, I guess the next several posts will be random and out of order I'll try to catch everyone up while not getting further behind. For this post, I think I'll just write down a couple of things the girls have done or said recently that is worth remembering.
Of course, I have to start out with Camryn because she is a nut. Lately she's been trying to get out of doing things and the only thing her little mind can come up with is "sleepy". She's been too "sleepy" to eat, drink, clean up, brush teeth, get out of bed, etc... She'll even do the whole dramatic arm flinging across the forehead move and closing her eyes saying, "I too sleepy!" Drama Queen!!
Taylor brought up heaven the other day and was talking about being sick and needing Drs. Of course, I told her we wouldn't need Drs in heaven because we would never get sick, or sad, or go hungry. We will live in mansions and walk on streets of gold. (Which, by the way, gets me really excited). So Taylor got real excited too and said, "Mom, when I walk on the streets of gold can I pick some up and keep it?!" I'm sure there will be no laws against that. Then she asked if God makes ponies too. I said yes and she got even more excited. "Will He make me one too so I can keep it in my big house?" Too cute.
Camryn has this thing where she calls women around the age of 45 and up, grandma. So, as you can imagine she has embarrassed me on several occasions. We took the girls trick or treating and she got candy from a lady who had a few gray hairs and Camryn said, "Thanks Grandma!". We quickly hurried out of that yard. She also found an actual grandma in Belk one day too. She had white hair and was using a walker. When we got out of the elevator, Camryn saw her and ran for her. All I could hear was, "Hey Grandma!" and then a bunch of chit chatting. That old lady just stood there and smiled. I'm thinking she couldn't hear a word Camryn was saying...Thank goodness! In that same visit to Belk, Camryn saw a lady standing next to the girls panty display. She grabbed one of them, looked at the lady and said, "That Tay Tay yucky underwear!". Oh brother!
Taylor has lost two teeth now. And since there is never a dull moment I have a story for each of them. The girls love to play baby, puppy and animals with each other. They will take turns acting them out. Well, apparently Taylor was the puppy on this particular day when I asked them to get their shoes on so we could leave. Next thing you know, Taylor runs to me with a tooth in her hand. "How did you lose it?" I asked. "Well, I bit Camryn's shoe so I could bring it to her and my tooth fell out." Tooth one. Now, tooth two. We were at the house when Taylor ran up to me with blood all in her mouth. I asked her what happened. "I don't know." Where's your tooth. " I don't know." What were you doing? "Camryn was riding the spring horse in the play room and I was the cheetah. I was biting the horse's tail when Camryn started bouncing really hard. Then I started bleeding!" Thankfully I found the tooth on the floor under the horse's tail. Can't wait for tooth 3.
I'm getting tired now so I'll post pics later. Chow for now!
so glad for you to catch us up on the Bowick clan :)
what?!?! becky updated her blog! when i saw your blog at the top of my blogroll i could NOT believe it. you should do this more often! : )
I always enjoy reading your blogs. You (and your family) are Hilarious! Love you!
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