A random cute pic.
This is a picture of what I looked like all night long.
I chose this one because an actual picture of me
hugging the toilet wouldn't be nearly as cute.
I am recovering from the awful ugly stomach bug today. I came down with it Tuesday night and was up all night. I'll spare you the details but if you've had it before, you know how terrible it is. I'm so thankful that no one else in the family has come down with it. I'm convinced that I got it from Taylor's field trip to the Childrens Museum. I even told one of the moms that I'm not a germiphobe but places like that make me nervous. I looked over and saw Pam(one of Taylors teachers) pouring anti bacteria gel all over her hands. Guess who Taylor said wasn't in school yesterday...Pam. I bet she had it too. I'll never go back there again!! Unfortunately, one of Taylor's best friends is having a bday party there in a couple of weeks. It sounds like something fun for Jason to do. Anyway, I felt really bad because Taylor had to ride with Papa to school, eat a cafeteria lunch (she's never done that) and get picked up by Mimi. It was just a different day for her and I worried that it might stress her out. Well, when she got home she told me all about her wonderful day including lunch. "We had spaghetti. It was better than yours! It had cheese on it!!" Here I am at my worst, been in bed all day, taking care of Camryn, feeling bad for Taylor and she tells me the school makes better food than ME?!!! I bet if I made her eat lunch in the cafeteria every day, she'd appreciate my cooking a little more.
glad you're better!!! ewww. this makes me rethink the idea of getting passes at the museum. you could save yourself a lot of time (definitely not money, though) if you let her eat in the caf more often. and hey, she likes it.
you continue to crack me up! I love your humor! Taylor doesn't know what she's talking about... Taste buds don't fully develop until 20something.
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