Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break First Half

Taylor's teacher, Mrs Tilman, turning her world upside down.

There's really not enough stuff in her classroom:)

Cute Easter bag she made in school.

Being silly.

Toots' Easter egg hunt.

You can just tell she's the naughty one

Taylor and her friend Grace

Going on an egg hunt.

Sun must have been in her eyes.

Taylor and her bff Hannah.

Digging her personal potty hole in the sand.

Wind blown.


Super models in the making.

Camryn didn't touch the water and preferred not
to walk on the sand. Makes for a difficult beach outing.

Taylor's last day of school included an Easter Egg hunt and a party. I love going to her class and seeing all the things she and her friends have been doing. The kids in her class are so sweet. I never leave that class without lots of hugs.
The next day was bitter sweet. We went to the "last ever Easter egg hunt" at Toot's house. She has always thrown the absolute best Easter Egg hunts EVER! The kids love them and come home with way more stuff than a mom should allow. Thank you Toots for all your hard work over the years and all the great Easter memories!
Saturday we were going to the egg hunt at church but decided we had been a bit overloaded so we just had a family day.
Easter was a beautiful day. We, of course, went to church and then had lunch with Jason's family. Would you believe I didn't even think about taking any pictures that day?! Oh well, I'll get pictures of them in their dresses one day. We ended the day playing tennis at the new park. Taylor got a raquet for Easter so we were teaching her how to play. We had the best time! I think we have a little tennis player on our hands. I can't wait to get out there again without the kids though. I LOVE playing tennis even though I have no clue what the rules are.
The rest of the week has been spent with friends, going to the beach, playing outside, blowing bubbles, playgrounds, working in the yard and shopping. I am LOVING spending time with both my girls. They are the very best!! I love spring break!!


carissa said...

i love the pictures!!! i just want to give them both big gigantic auntie hugs! i miss them. i also miss the beach. it's been way too long. it sounds like you've had a ton of fun this week!

Cindy Foote said...

love the pictures! Wish we were there RIGHT NOW!
Love you!