Me? Making a mess? Noooo!
Taylor, look at me!
My baby holding her baby.
Happy Birthday to you....
Okay Okay, this is MY day. Back off!
Take this stupid hat off!
That's better. Now I can eat.
Okay, so here I am already tearing up and I've just started this post. Why is the first birthday so hard for me?! Sometimes I just don't understand why God has chosen me of all people to be the mommy of 2 healthy, beautiful, smart,sweet girls. At the same time, I'm so grateful for them and pray all the time that I will be able to raise Godly children who live their lives to serve Christ in all they do rather than let the world influence them. It's a scary world out there and it just keeps getting worse. I want my children to have a solid foundation to stand on from the very beginning. Anyway, this past year has been a bit crazy for us for many reasons and Camryn coming into our lives has been the best thing to happen to us this year by far. She is an amazing little girl. I would say she is high maintenance because of having the easiest child in the world first(Taylor). Some of my friends just laugh when I say Cammie is high maintenance. Well, she's high maintenance for me! Example- she prefers to be fed rather than feed herself. She doesn't want it from my fingers either. No, she wants it on a utensil. If she is feeding herself and starts to get messy, she will cry until someone runs to the kitchen to give her a utensil. She ate her bday cake with a spoon. What one year old eats her Smasher cake with a spoon? Another example- she has been throwing temper tantrums for months. I had no idea someone so little could manipulate a grown up the way she does. If she doesn't get her way, she screams like the little girl she is, spreads her legs and lays her forehead on the ground. She'll stay like that for a while too. I've given in a few too many times which I'm sure doesn't help the situation but she's so darn cute. She hates being confined. The car seat is her least favorite thing to sit in. She cries almost every time I put her in it. She expects to be carried everywhere like a queen. It seems like every time I look at her she claps her hands then holds them out as if to say, "Well, you're standing right there. You might as well pick me up so I don't have to dirty up my knees.". She used to cry every time I put her in the bath tub but now she loves it. Apparently it helps her bowel movements slide right out. I can't tell you how many times we've had to evacuate to tub due to her "submarines"(as daddy would call them). Let's see, there is also the whole nursing thing which she is very attached to. I decided not to start weaning her until after her birthday so we will begin that painful process next weekend. When she is ready for milk, if given the opportunity she will attempt to rip my shirt off. If someone else is holding her, she will cry and stare me down. Well, not milkers. So because I never had to deal with all of this when Taylor was a baby, I feel that my second baby is high maintenance. How boring it would be if both children had the same personalities though. I love every minute of being their mommy. They make me laugh harder than anyone ever could.
You know every mom has to brag on their baby's accomplishments so here they come....
She can say...Mama, Dada, Poppa, Mimi, Tiger, Weee, Wow, Tay Tay, Taylor, More, All Done, What's that, No no
she knows some sign language but I haven't been real good at keeping up with it. I think she's communicating just fine without it.
she has 4 teeth. 2 up top and 2 on the bottom
She is crawling and pulling up. she even started squatting but is still not walking. Probably because I can't resist that "hold you" look.
She loves to take things out of containers and put them back in. Usually this involves my purse or a drawer she's not supposed to be in.
If you ask her a question, she will shake her head yes or no. I have proof on video.
She and her sister absolutely adore one another. They are going to be BFF's. No doubt!
Camryn had her well check today and she checked out just fine. She is very healthy but she is a little thing. She weighs 19lbs, 30inches long and her head is 18inches(75%, Uncle Kelly should be proud:)
A few things I love about my one year old....
Her dimples
The way she wets her whistle before it's time to nurse
The way she yells Dada when he comes home from work
When she looks up at her big sis and signs "hold you".
Those open mouth kisses...priceless
The way her clothes get too small too fast
The way she holds onto my neck so tight before she goes into the nursery
The way she sticks her little booty up in the air when she sleeps.
The way she rests her head on my chest when she's sleepy.
The way she sucks her two fingers.
The way she and Taylor play together
The way she lays down in front of us to get her back scratched
Playing Peek a boo with her dress
How excited she gets when Taylor says "I'm gonna get you".
The way she starts my day off with a smile and ends it with eyes that say
"I love you Mommy"
She melts my heart!
I LOVE THIS POST! I wish I could have been there for her 1st. birthday party! Oh - I just realized I never called - Headed to do that right now! Love you! Happy Birthday Camryn!
I loved the pictures and all your thoughts on your little one!
I love that sweet girl! I love the diva wave best. :)
I just tagged you. See my blog for details.
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