Friday, October 31, 2008

Tag-I'm it!

My dear friend Tara just tagged me to share a few random facts about myself. I'm sure none of you are interested but I'm going to do it anyway so I can tag a few people. Here we go..
1. I was born with a hole in my heart and at 6yrs of age I had to have open heart surgery. We went to Birmingham, AL because the procedure was not yet done at MUSC. During this time my parents took me to the first movie I can remember seeing..Yentel. I don't know if that's how you spell it but I do remember seeing a naked person. I don't think my parents knew that would happen. I also experienced my first vibrating bed. Just stick a quarter in and see what happens.
2. My second toe is longer than the rest. It kind of freaks some people out but I personally think its beautiful.
3. Jason first kissed me in our pastor's driveway. Yep, Pastor Jack helped move our relationship right along. He must of been okay with it because he married us 9yrs later.
4. I used to not want kids. When I got married I thought maybe one would be okay. Now I'm not sure what number I'll stop at and I absolutely love being a mom.
5. I ran a mile for the first time at the age of 31. I ran for about a month and then decided I needed a new hobby. Any suggestions?
Wow, this is easier than I thought. I have so many more things to share but I'll spare you all. Now I get to tag 3 people! Hmmmm. I guess they need a blog.



Cindy Foote said...

Hey Crazy Lady - you think I have nothing better to do that play tag??? LOL! I want you to know that I have been tagged a dozen times and your tag is the first one I am participating in. Wow, you're so lucky!

eastandwest said...

I'm glad you think that toe is beautiful because there's a whole lot of it!

Thanks for playing tag with me.