Monday, January 11, 2010

Funny Stuff

I am really on a roll here. My girls are just crazy this week and I wanted to remember these things so I can hold it against them later. Just kidding.

Taylor got a warning at school for the first time the other day. So I was talking to her about how to act and asked her what I should do if she gets in trouble again. She replied, "Banish me?" Now I know I can be hard at times but I didn't think I was THAT strict.

Taylor wanted her fingernails to be painted before church so I sat down and started painting. She said, "Momma, your belly is fat.". I replied, "Thank you Taylor. I have been working out but it's just not going down." "Maybe Jesus just wants you to be fat." Taylor said. Maybe that's it! Maybe Jesus really DOES want me to be fat. I don't have to work out anymore. I can just be large and in charge!

As I write this, Camryn is screaming at the top of her lungs. I laid her down for a nap about 20 min ago and she is screaming, "I don't want to take nap!! Mommy!! I not tired!!! Mommy!!! I not sleepy!!!!" In between the words are really high pitched screams. The only reason I haven't gotten her out of the crib is because she is entertaining me. Is that wrong?


carissa said...

you are not even close to being fat. saying that you're fat is like saying that spam is delicious. - it just isn't so!

Cindy Foote said...

first, I agree with Carissa! Second, I'm laughing at the entire post!