Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Camp Harmon

Peek A Boo

Taylor rocking on the porch

Jason and Camryn at Looking Glass Falls

Taylor took this pic-not bad for 4yr old

We had a great time in the mountains this past weekend. Camp Harmon is a lodge that Jason and I have been going to since we were in the singles class at church. The last time we went Taylor was about 8 months old so I thought we were due for another trip. The weather was great until we decided to take a trip out to Looking Glass Falls. The bottom dropped out and it poured down rain for a while. We finally decided to just go for it anyway. We got a couple of good pics there and at the lodge. One cute thing Taylor said on the way up there was "Does the mountain have a door?". Apparently she thought the mountains looked like they do in cartoons-big rocks with a door that we could walk through. It's so funny how little minds work. The cabins are a bit rugged so when we drove up, the look on Taylor's face was priceless. She was thinking, "Oh my gosh mom! You are NOT going to make me stay in that place all weekend.". When we walked in, the first thing she said was, "Where is the TV?". But she adjusted quickly and had a great time. She can't wait to go back.

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