Saturday, February 20, 2010

Girls Night In

Go Taylor Go!

Taylor and I chillin on the couch.

Hunter and Aunt Becky.

Love this smile!

Uncle Kelly and Hunter

Couldn't get him to look at the camera.

Dressin up.

Jason left for the weekend on a much needed fishing 'man'cation. So the girls and I were left to fend for ourselves. We started the evening with pizza and visitors. My brother and nephew came to visit us for a little while so Carissa could rest. She's been feeling under the weather and with another little one brewing I feel she deserves the break. Taylor was the only local niece for a while so she was spoiled by Kelly and Carissa. Ever since her sister and Hunter came along, she has had to fight for that attention a little bit. She and Camryn changed outfits numerous amounts of times to show off for Kelly. Hunter was mesmerized by her pom poms. I'm pretty sure he has a deep longing to be a cheerleader as well:) We loved on and played with Hunter. That boy is so much heavier than Camryn and he just turned 1! After the boys left, us girls headed for the mall. We looked around a little bit and ended up in Target as usual. We weren't actually looking for anything but I did leave with some very yummy Reese pieces candy shaped like eggs. They are sooo good. I rented Bolt to watch with the girls, made bowls of ice cream and snuggled up in our jammies. Just then Camryn decided to poop and go night nighk(that's how she says it). So that left me and my sweet Taylor to watch the movie alone. I have so much fun with Camryn but getting a chance to spend time alone with Taylor doesn't happen very often anymore. I loved every second of it. The movie was pretty cute too. Whenever daddy is out of town, I let Taylor sleep in my bed. She gets so excited. She said, "When daddy's gone we get to do whatever we want". Sorry babe, I'm not so sure you were missed?! Well, I missed you:) Can you believe the girls and I slept in till 8?! What a treat. Taylor had a cheer leading game at 11 and at 3 we will be going to a bday party. Daddy should be home after that. I'm excited to see him come home because we get to exchange our love letters tonight. It's our homework for Sunday School. We are starting on Song of Songs. The only reason I'm excited is because Jason called me last night and said he was going to start on my letter. The fact that he even remembered is huge!! Don't worry, I won't share it with you. I don't want any of you to get jealous:))


Amy said...

Looks like you had a nice relaxing evening like we did on our night alone (at least after we returned from Upwards)-but I don't think Dave wrote me a love letter since it was not homework! Probably not even if it was homework! And I got the whole bed to myself last night!!

carissa said...

hunter and kelly had so much fun with you!!! i missed getting to come - but i certainly did enjoy some quiet rest! : ) the love letters sound like they will be lovely. i like that kind of homework!

Cindy Foote said...

oh! How fun! Love that you had a girl night. And love that you guys are writing love letters for Sunday school homework... hmmmm.... might have to work that one into house church!