Thursday, February 25, 2010

COTA update

In order to start shadowing OT's (for PDU credit), I had to go through a volunteer orientation at the hospital. 7 of us were sitting side by side in a small office for 1 1/2 hours. Every time I moved I would kick someone next to me. It was so uncomfortable. On top of that, I have old lady legs. My varicose veins were killing me! I looked around at all these gorgeous college students and thought, "What am I doing?". I swear the one guy in there was coming off a high. He could not stay still. His head was constantly bobbing around, he kept touching and rubbing his head and made weird comments about everything. Thankfully he's shadowing a PT instead of an OT. He made me nervous. Then we took a tour of the hospital. I worked there for around 5 years so the tour did me no good. Just when I thought I was done, I was told I had to go get my ppd. So I went to the nurse's office to wait. It was so hot!! I started feeling miserable and had to pee really bad. I didn't want to leave though because I would lose my spot. I waited another hour in there! The ppd literally took 1 minute. So this is where I am.
ppd read...check
paperwork turned in...check

Next week..
2nd ppd
hopefully a clear background check
set up 1st shadow with OT
fill out cert renewal packet
complete assessment tool test (1PDU)

I still can't believe I'm doing this.


carissa said...

yay beck!!! you rock. your varicose veins make me laugh... but i'm laughing with you because i so have them too! what is a ppd?

Unknown said...

A ppd is a tuberculosis test. You get it then have to get it checked 2 days later. They make you do 2 of them so they can assure the test results were correct.

Cindy Foote said...

oh good... Gracie didn't give you TB... yay! Just kidding - she doesn't have it either! Keep truckin' along old lady! You'll get hired because older = more dependable and, in your case, drug free!

The Carters said...

so excited for you!!