Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not For A Weak Stomach

This past Friday started out great! Taylor didn't have school, I slept in till 8 and the weather was beautiful...then Camryn woke up. She was snotty and cranky. She wouldn't eat and cried a lot! I quickly discovered a 2 year molar poking through. I thought, "Of course she would start teething today. Today is the first time I'm getting her picture taken since she turned one.". If Camryn is involved, something crazy or out of the ordinary or embarrassing happens. You can always expect a good show. I just knew picture day would not go as I had hoped. After a good nap and a dose of Tylenol we were off to the mall. The girls were super cute in their Easter outfits. Both of them were in great moods and it made mommy happy. Taylor was a super model. She did exactly what the lady asked her to do. She smiled big and was very patient with her little sister. Camryn on the other hand...

Every time she was asked to smile she would do this big cheesy grin with her lips closed and her chin up. The lady would say, "I'm gonna get you." to make her smile. Instead, she would get a mean face and shout, "No way!". Each picture she was supposed to be in by herself she would lift her dress up and rock back and forth. The lady said she had never met a child who liked to lift her dress up as much as Camryn. Such a proud moment. Believe it or not, we got some really cute pictures. While the lady got the computer ready for me to pick out pictures, I changed the girls into their play clothes. I gave them each a juice box in hopes of them sitting down and behaving while I made the tough decision on what pictures to purchase. I had not even started when Camryn coughed, burped and threw up! She did it over and over and over again. I had immediate flashbacks of lunch with the Finks...

A few months ago we went to eat lunch with some friends after church. Camryn woofed down a pizza when I realized she hadn't had anything to drink. I gave her my drink and kept chatting away. Before I could blink my eyes she had finished off the whole glass of tea. I picked her up out of her highchair and in mid air she coughed, burped and threw up ALL OVER ME! I'm talking hair to toes, over and over and over again. It was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen in my life! I couldn't do anything but hold her while she puked all over me. I turned to look at my family and friends only to find the table EMPTY! They all ran away! People eating in the restaurant wouldn't even look at me. I saw Taylor and her friend Hannah sitting at another table talking about how gross it was. Then the adults came back. They had gone to get help and cleaning supplies. They hadn't deserted me after all! Jason took Camryn outside and took all her clothes off while I took the very long walk back to the car with vomit dripping from my hair and clothes. The only thing I could change was my shirt. So right there in the parking lot I took off my shirt and put on the fleece. Unfortunately I had to sit in the car on the way home with a lap full of Camryn's lunch. Taylor was talking about how bad it smelled, Camryn was pretty satisfied, Jason was laughing his head off and I was hanging my head out the window. Yes, all of this flashed before my eyes when she lost it at the photo place.

Positive side, Camryn did not have the stomach bug, she did not ruin the backdrop, and she did not ruin her Easter dress! Perfect timing!

Lesson learned, never go get pictures taken of your kids when you are the only adult. Take help! Do not give kids drink or food until you have left the building.

I'll have to get them to pose for some pics here at the house so I can post a pic. They really are beautiful in those dresses!

1 comment:

carissa said...

hahahaha! so glad you didn't have to walk out of the picture place covered in barf. can't wait to see the pics!